Activities in 2024

Latest photos and videos from Barom Kagyu Centers

Happy Buddha Jayanti (Vesak)

23 May 2024

Sydney Barom Kagyu Dharma Center celebrated Buddha Jayanti with Nepalese Tamang Society.

May all sentient beings receive the wisdom and compassion of the Buddha.






May 2024

Barom Kagyu Chodrak Choe Khorling (USA)

Barom Kagyu Chodrak Drupju Chuling (Australia)

Barom Kagyu Chodrak Pendeling (Ha Noi)

Barom Kagyu Thekchen Chuling (SaiGon)

All Barom Kagyu Centers are organizing the special event Nyungne Retreat and Lord Barompa’s Anniversary in the Saka Dawa

Nyungne retreat involves one-thousand-armed Chenrezig practice with visualization and recitation of the long and short Compassion Mantra, participants are required to take the Mahayana precepts and strictly observe fasting and silence vows. This retreat is for full time participants only.

Lord Barompa’s Anniversary

This year, the Saga Dawa celebrations also auspiciously coincide with the anniversary of Lord Barompa's Parinirvana. Lord Barompa is the original founding master of the Barom Kagyu lineage, which has been one of the historical four major lineages of the Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism for around 1,000 years now.

Benefit of Nyungne Retreat

If one practice Nyungne just one time, all negative karma of forty thousand kalpas will be purified and one will not reborn into the lower realms. Purification is possible due to the power of one-thousand-armed Chenrezig’s compassion and extraordinary blessings as well as our motivation, faith and devotion. When such causes and conditions come together, a true purification inevitably takes place.

During Nyungne practice, physical fasting purifies the negative karma of killing, stealing, and sexual misconduct and overcomes obscurations of the body. Therefore, you will never be born in the hungry ghost realm, and ultimately you will attain the supreme body of the Buddhas. Abstaining speech and remaining in silence purifies the negative karma of lying, slandering, harsh words, and the idle talk, and purifies obscurations of speech. One will not be born in the animal realm, and ultimately will attain the melodious enlightened speech of the Buddhas. One-pointed concentration on practices during Nyungne purifies the negative karma of greed, evil thoughts, wrong views, and purifies obscurations of the mind. One will not be born in the hell realm and will have spiritual realization and spiritual experience. Ultimately one will attain the five wisdoms of the Buddhas.

It has been said that this practice is so great that even offering a meal to a Nyungne practitioner is like offering a meal to an Eight-Bhumi Bodhisattva. Just by supporting Nyungne practitioners one will receive tremendous benefits.

H.E Sonam Tenzin Rinpoche, Venerable Lama Namsai and Venerable Khenpo Tenzin are conducting the practice retreat of Nyungne at Barom Kagyu Centers in USA, Australia and Vietnam. This retreat will be held during the auspicious month of Saka Dawa, the month commemorating the Birth, Enlightenment and Pari-nirvana of Shakya Muni Buddha. It is said that, during this time, the merit accumulated through performing virtuous deeds is multiplied by 100,000 times.

H.E Sonam Tenzin Rinpoche, Lama Namsai, Lama Tenzin & all Barom Kagyu students celebrated Saga Dawa festival at the Barom Kagyu Dharma Centers

His Holiness Chodrak Saljey Rinpoche’s 74th Birthday

Sunday, 07 April 2024

All Barom Kagyu Dharma Centers in the world celebrated His Holiness Chodrak Saljey Rinpoche’s birthday.

May all Gurus of the glorious Dharma enjoy excellent health and longevity.

May the land be entirely filled with doctrine holders.

May the merit and virtue of the patrons of the Doctrine increase.

May the auspicious Doctrine continuously remain.

Losar Festival 2024

Losar is considered to be the most significant festival of the Buddhist Community in Tibet.  The festival marks the Tibetan New Year and is celebrated with great splendour and grandeur. The Tibetan Buddhists observe the festival to ward off evil spirit and welcome the arrival of the New Year filled with happiness and prosperity.

A 4 days celebration ceremony leading by our Spiritual Director, H.E. Sonam Tenzin Rinpoche was held in Sefton, Australia this year. The sessions began with the Wrathful Guru Rinpoche Prayer from 7th February 2024 through to the White Zhambala Blessing on Tibetan New Year Day, 10th February 2024.

Losar Festival is the time to banish negativity and welcome auspicious energy.  With Losar right around the corner, it is a perfect opportunity to purify your soul and welcoming in another year!