Episode 8 - Pullahari Monastery
In 1986, the Third Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche accepted the offer of a piece of land by the Third Dilyak Dabzang Rinpoche (1929 – 1992) and agreed to his request to establish a 3-year Mahamudra retreat centre. He named the place “Pullahari” after Lord Naropa’s monastery in Bihar, India, where Naropa declared Lotsawa Marpa (1012 – 1097) his Dharma Heir in Tibet. Pullahari Monastery opened in March 1992.
On November 16th, 1992, the sacred body relic of the Third Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche was brought back from Rumtek Monastery to Pullahari. On April 26th, 1994, the sacred body relic of the Third Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche was enshrined in a Golden Stupa which is the main object of reverence at Pullahari today.
Today, there are 250 monks in Pullahari Monastery, and 17 in the 7th three-year Mahamudra retreat.