Chodrak Nunnery
Chodrak Nunnery is situated high in the holy province of Kham (Tibet) where many great Buddhist masters were born and reincarnated. The area is mountainous and prone to bitterly cold weather especially during winter months.
The nunnery is home to over 300 practicing nuns, unfortunately the building can only accommodate a third of these with most nuns forced to seek shelter wherever they can. Within the Nunnery, they are housed under appalling conditions, the compound is falling down around them from years of disrepair due to lack of money.
Many of these nuns are from impoverished families whose homes are located far away. Their families struggle to bring food to the nuns every three months, but because there is no refrigeration and the facilities are so basic-food does not last. A large number of nuns are also orphans and receive no financial support at all. Sadly, these nuns are often forced to travel to food to the nearest village to beg for food. Chodrak Nunnery has no tap water – the nearest water well is situated about 2 km from the nunnery.
Despite these grim conditions, the gentle nuns are resilient, hard working and committed. Under circumstanced which most people would find unbearable, these devoted nun work, pray and toil for the sake of all sentient beings. However, the cold and hash conditions combined with the day threat of starvation does take its toll as some nuns see no other alternative than disrobe and leave the nunnery.
The Chodrak nuns urgently need your financial support. You can help make an enormous difference in allowing these nuns to survive and continue their practice. Seventy dollars ( $70 ) a month will provide food, medicines, robes and education materials for one nun.
You could join with a friend or family member to help this worthwhile cause. In doing so, your nun will be praying daily for you – her sponsor, helping to remove obscuration and bringing blessings. You will be further blessed with the knowledge that you have made the difference in continuing the history of this Buddhist sanctuary in the holy province of Kham and keeping alive the rich traditions of Tibetan Buddhism.