Episode 5- Shravasti
Another of the four places common to the buddhas of this world is Shravasti, the site regarded as their chief residence and the place where the holders of erroneous doctrines are publicly defeated. Indeed, Shakyamuni spent twenty-four rainy seasons there and also performed many great miracles.
Jetavana Grove
When the Buddha accepted in Rajgir the merchant Anathapindika's invitation to spend the second rainy season at Shravasti, it was on the condition that proper facilities for all his monks would be available. Anathapindika and Sariputra examined the area and found only the park of Prince Jeta to be suitable for such a large assembly of monks.
However, the prince was unwilling to part with it for less than the number of gold coins that would cover the area. Undismayed, the merchant proceeded to cover all the ground with gold coins.
When but a small portion remained uncovered, the prince asked him to desist and announced that he himself would build a vihara on the spot, some say using the gold he had received for the purpose.
The merchant also built a vihara, as did King Prasenajit later. These were the principal buildings used by the Buddha on his first visit to Shravasti.
The park with its buildings became known as Jetavana Grove. Hsuan Chwang states that during its most magnificent period, Jetavana had temples, meditation halls, monks' chambers, bathing places, a hospital, pleasantly shaded tanks and a well-stocked library with reading rooms. It was altogether an ideal place for practising the Buddha's teachings, many of which were first given here.

Ananda Bodhi Tree
Ananda once asked Buddha to allow a tree to be planted at Jetavana because when the Buddha was not present at Jetavana his followers had nowhere to place their offerings of flowers and so forth. Maudgalyayana brought a seed of the bodhi tree and when the tree grew the Buddha is said to have blessed it by spending one night meditating under it. This is now known as the Ananda bodhi tree.

Great Shravasti Center

Orajhar Buddhist Site
This is where Buddha performed two miracles. Upon completing this amazing miraculous feat, the Buddha ascended from Shravasti to the Heaven of the Thirty-Three, to teach the Dharma to his mother.

Anathapindika's Stupa
Anathapindada was among the Buddha’s most generous benefactors. Anathapindika's Stupa situated on the location where his house used to be.

Angulimala's Stupa
Angulimala's Stupa marking the place where Angulimala the murderer attained arhatship and where his body was later cremated.