Barom Kagyu Chodrak Drupju Chuling Meditation Center
We have been using the building located at 50B Wood road in Sefton as our Barom Kagyu Chodrak Drupju Chuling temple in North South Wales, Australia. The current facility is inadequate to accommodate the growing number of practitioners. An extension to the building is impossible, therefore our purpose is to demolish and build up a new temple for all the practitioners.
With the new temple, it will provide a more spacious setting for practitioners coming from Australia, Malaysia, Vietnam and US students to practice when they do the 8 set Nyungne retreat. While the plan is intact and the temple is going under construction, whoever contributes to the donation to build up a prayer hall whether it is small or large will be a great benefit. As this prayer hall will be continuously used, the sponsors will continually receive an accumulation of merit through the dedication from the practitioners. Milarepa said that whoever’s doing retreat, practices or supports will have the same accumulation of merit especially contributing to building up a temple.
Any contribution either small or big will be appreciated and can really make a big difference to all the practitioners. We sincerely express our appreciation and gratefulness to all the sponsors