Episode 1 - Bodhgaya
Mahabodhi Temple
At the holy land of Bodhgaya, H.E Sonam Tenzin Rinpoche has given a Dharma talk to Vietnamese monks and nuns as per request of the Organizing Committee of the Great Compassion Mantra and Amitabha Buddha Recitation Event.
May the Dharma spread to all directions. May all sentient beings be happy, free from suffering, and attain Buddhahood.
Meanwhile, Lama Namsai and Barom Kagyu disciples from Vietnam, Australia and the US has arrived at Sarnath and begun their journey to meet H.E Sonam Tenzin Rinpoche in Bodhgaya.
They spent two days receiving precious teachings and practicing with Rinpoche at the place where the Buddha Shakyamuni spent time practicing, teaching and meditating. They visited Mahabodhi Temple, Pragbodhi Cave, Sujata Temple and Sujata Stupa. The most famous and blessed site is the Mahabodhi Stupa, where Prince Siddhartha attained enlightenment about 2,600 years ago

Pragbodhi Cave
After Prince Siddhartha renounced the world he practised austerities for six years. One of the places he stayed during this period was a mountain that later came to be called Pragbodhi (Prior to Enlightenment) and which is now known as Dhungeswara. Tradition says he sheltered in the small cave half way up this mountain.

Sujata Temple Bakraur Village

Sujata Stupa
The stupa was dedicated to the milkmaid Sujata, from the village of Bakraur, who is said to have fed Gautama Buddha milk and rice at this spot as he was sitting under a Banyan tree

Kagyu Monlam place