His Holiness Chodrak Saljey Rinpoche
9th Chodrak Saljey Karma Drugyi Tanbigyaltsen Rinpoche
Spiritual Director
Throughout his life, His Holiness Chodrak Saljey Rinpoche has embodied the virtue of the Dharma.
As an emanation of Manjushri, His Holiness has studied and practised tirelessly, receiving profound teachings from realised masters such as The Accomplished Drupchen Karma Norbu, His Holiness Jamgon Tai Situ Rinpoche, Jetsun Yeshe Rabgyay, Khenpo Karma Tsenten, Jamyang Lodoe Rinchen, Khenpo Toru Tsenam, Khenpo Chime Rabten and other kind teachers.
Meditative retreat
In the tradition of the great Tibetan yogis, Saljey Rinpoche continuously remained in meditative retreat in mountain hermitages and places of solitude throughout the province of Kham, recognised by Guru Rinpoche as a place of special spiritual and meditative importance.
His Holiness undertook rigorous practice of the skilful path of the Great Seal, Mahamudra, and the liberating path of the Six Yogas of Naropa, and actualized fully the excellent virtues of the grounds and path of advanced tantric practice.
Re-establishment of the main and branch monasteries of the Barom Kagyu Chodrak lineage
In the age of Kaliyuga, His Holiness Chodrak Saljey Rinpoche has been likened to the first glow of dawn appearing among-st the darkening clouds of social and political turmoil.
Resolving to work toward the re-establishment of the main and branch monasteries of the Barom Kagyu Chodrak lineage, His Holiness successfully rebuilt monasteries destroyed during the worst excesses of The Cultural Revolution.
Saljey Rinpoche established again the Retreat monastery of Gampopa and that of the Barom Kagyu lineage in the north of Kham province. He fostered many hundreds of practitioners engaged in dharma study and practice by giving them sustenance, shelter and teachings. He inspired compassion and diligence in dharma practice by his loving kindness to the poor, the elderly, beggars and the handicapped, encouraging his students to recite billions of Chenrezig mantras to benefit all sentient beings.
Following the advice of his kind teacher, Drupchen Karma Norbu Rinpoche, His Holinesse has spent the last several years in strict meditation retreat, working still for the benefit of all beings.