His Eminence Aten Phuntsok Rinpoche
8th Aten Phuntsok Rinpoche
First incarnation: Barom Kagyu Lineage Holder “Choejey Tenzin Phuntsok”
The first incarnation was undisputed emanation of 11th century Indian Buddhist Mahasiddha Padampa Sangye (“Father Excellent Buddhahood”), the founder of the profound Chod Practice. The excellent Choejey Tenzin Phuntsok was born in the year 1461 and from a very young age he displayed all the natural signs of a highly noble being.
From Lama Kyodrag Tenzin Sangpo, he received the complete teachings of Barom Kagyu tradition and having diligently meditated upon and practised it further, he gained profound realisation.
The Seventh Karmapa, Chodrak Gyatso (1461-1536) gave him numerous teachings of enlightenment. The Seventh Karmapa also praised him as being on the holy stages of Bodhisattva and bestowed upon him the holy name of “Choejey Tenzin Phuntsok”. after receiving vows of the full ordination from Karmapa and leading a life completely dedicated to deeper meditation in solitary places of Chodrak his eminence reached very high stages of deep realisation.
According to traditional folklore, in the year 1505, when he was 45, an eagle which was a manifestation of the wisdom Dakini Yeshe Khandro Sukhasiddhi, appeared to his Eminence and indicated the site for him to establish a Gonpa (Buddhist monastery). The eagle then proceeded to give some profound Dharma teachings and vowed to continuously offer protection and blessing to this sacred place. At that moment, many auspicious signs appeared.
The Gonpa is now known as Chodrak Khangnay Gonpa Buddhist Monastery which has a thriving assembly of practicing monks and nuns. Today, it is one of the most prominent monasteries of the Barom Kagyu lineage of Buddhist traditions.
Chodrak Kangnay Gonpa Monastery established by the First Aten Phuntsok Rinpoche
Specialising in the teachings and meditation of incomparable Barom Kagyu tradition and having worked extensively for the benefits of dissemination of the holy teachings of the Lord Buddha and having worked tirelessly for sentient beings, at the age of seventy six, in the year 1536, he passed away into Nirvana.
Previous reincarnations:
Great Tibetan masters who reach a certain level of spiritual attainment have the ability to choose their next rebirth when they pass away. Upon rebirth, they can resume their work of guiding their disciples and other sentient beings in this world. This is the meaning of the Tibetan word “Tulku” or “reincarnate Lama”. Their sole purpose to remain in this world is to work for the aims of devotees and sentient beings.
Since the paranirvana of Choejey Tenzin Phuntsok until now, there has been an unbroken line of eight “Tulkus” who all embody the three excellent vows of Vinaya, Bodhisattva and Tantric vows.
Reincarnations born in the year
II- 1537 Khagney Yeshe Zangpo
III- 1615 Karma Zopa Chojor Gyatso
IV- 1683 Lago Pema Drubpai Dorje
V- 1768 Jangchub Dorje
VI- 1843 Karma Dechen Chugon
VII- 1932 Dho Ngak Tenpe Nyima
VIII 1970 current reincarnation
Existing thangka held at Khangnay Monastery, depicting in the middle the First “Choejey Tenzin Phuntsok” being flanked by his six reincarnations. Above the central figure are Barom Kagyu lineage holders, including Marpa, Milarepa, Gampopa and the founder of Barom Kagyu, Dharma Wangchuk. At the very top of the lineage tree is Buddha Vajradhara.
The eighth and current reincarnation His Eminence Aten Phuntsok Rinpoche
The 8th Aten Phuntsok Rinpoche was born in the province of Kham, Eastern Tibet in 1970 in the valley in front of the holy mountain known as “Chodrak Chob Ti Shing Kyong Karpo”. He was born into a humble family but with strong devotion to the Buddhadharma and aptitude for spiritual practice.
At a very young age, the young boy naturally commanded respect from others due to his exhibiting compassion and loving kindness which are the natural qualities of a noble being. At the age of eight, he attended the local Chodrak school and without much difficulty quickly mastered the necessary skills of reading and writing. He was noted by the teachers to be particularly of very high intellect. No one in his class could excel him in memorising long texts or in reasoning and logic exercises.
Early education:
At the age of 11, he received the refuge vows from His Holiness Chodrak Saljed Rinpoche and was bestowed the name Karma Yongdrak and entered into Chodrak Monastery. Compassionately held as a disciple by His Holiness Saljed Rinpoche, he began his (Ngondro) preliminary practices and studies of ritual practices.
At the age of 13, Rinpoche received the complete set of major empowerments and oral transmissions of the Barom Kagyu lineage from Jamyang Lama Lodoe Rinchen.
At the age of 14, he consulted Yogi Drub Chen Karma Norbu, commonly known as the second Milarepa of Tibet, from whom he received the novice monk vows.
His Eminence also received the profound empowerments and oral transmission of great Rinchen Terdzo (one the Five Great Treasures of Jamgon Kontrol Lodro Taye) and introduction to Mahamudra from Drub Chen Karma Norbu. Having received these, his eminence meditated upon the premilinary and main practices.
His Eminence Tai Situ Rinpoche
At the age of 15, His Eminence consulted with the scholar and meditator Karma Tseten from whom he received many profound pithy instructions, including Mahamudra and Zogpachenpo (Great perfection teachings).
His Eminence Tai Situ Rinpoche recognised him as the 8th reincarnation of ATEN PHUNTSOK RINPOCHE of Khangnay Gompa in 1985 and the sacred ceremony of enthronement was then followed. He was also given the reincarnation name of Karma Kunchab Damchoe Tenzin Pal Zangpo.
At the age of 17, from great abbot Chimey Rabten he received teachings such as Bodhisattvas Way of Life.
His Root Guru His Holiness Saljey Rinpoche
From 19 year onwards together with His Holiness Saljed Rinpoche His Eminence got involved in meditation practices in the solitary places of Chodrak.
From 21 year onwards at Pal Dhagla Gampo (the holy seat of Je Gampopa) Rinpoche undertook the three year meditational retreat on the Six Dharmas of Naropa, the Liberating path known as Mahamudra of the means and methods of great kagyupa tradition, thus His Eminence became an upholder of the Buddha’s teaching in meaning as well as in name (bring into fruition Buddha’s teachings).
At the age of 24 at Tsurphu Monastery, the holy seat of Karmapa, coinciding with the enthronement of 17th Karmapa Ugyen Thinlay Dorje his eminence received the fully ordained bhikshu vows from His Eminence Tai Situ Rinpoche and eventually became a pure vow holder unsoiled by any transgressions or downfalls.
Generally speaking from 11 year old until 25 years of age His Eminence single pointedly engaged in the practices of listening, contemplating and meditating on dharma thus possessing the great qualities of the noble ones. Having relied upon and sought many eminent masters including His Holiness Saljed Rinpoche, he upheld the great tradition of meditating in solitary places like the great Kagyupa masters of the past.
Called to serve the Dharma and monastic responsibilities
At the very young age of 25, as requested by Chodrak Khangnay monastery, he came back to the monastery from solitary places to take care of the administration of the monastery. He quickly oversaw the revitalization and development of Chodrak Khangnay monastery.
Khangnai Shedra University- institute of higher Buddhist studies:
He established a new nunnery and proceeded to build a new Shedra (institute of higher studies of Buddhism) and other meditation facilities.
Establishing a dharma realm comprising of over three hundred sanghas, the process of the bestowal of empowerments, imparting of teachings and pithy instruction was further activated.
Whatever offerings were made to him either on behalf of the deceased or the living, Rinpoche put into good use by distributing them to the noble Sangha and using them to the good cause of rescuing animal lives. Also, common facilities such as food, clothing and medicines were facilitated to the assembly of monks and nuns.
Pilgrimage and visiting activities
In between His Eminence visited about 80 monastic institutions such as Pal Gyi Dhag Lha Gampo, the holy seat of Gampopa, Lhodrag Seykhar Guthog (milarepa 9 story tower), the holy seat of Tsurphu and barom demsartel monastery the holy seat of Barompa where the noble deeds of eminent masters such as bestowing the vows of monk and nun were performed and teachings were given.
Many devotees come towards where His Eminence resided to receive vows, empowerments, teachings and oral transmission. Thus His Eminence performed the enlightening deeds that promoted the practices of listening to the precious dharma, contemplating over the meaning of the teachings and meditating deeply.
To all those who are devoted to him, he gave daily instructions on leading a meaningful life, of relinquishing negative deeds and engaging in virtuous deeds.
In particular, Rinpoche is always engaged with the task to teach the profound subtle teachings, the collection of homages, background history of monastery and in composition of texts detailing the meanings of preliminary and primary practices of dharma.
(Rinpoche teaching at the Tibetan Kagyu Monlam to ten of thousands devotees in Tibet)
The current reincarnate Aten Phuntsok is a great scholar and a great meditator and there exist many compositions of his eminence thus embodying the nine modes of noble one.
In brief, Rinpoche spends his time engaging with the profound enlightening accounts of past kagyudpa masters. Whenever the occasion permits, Rinpoche enjoys nothing more than spending his spare time in deeper meditation in solitary mountain places.
Melodious Sound of Conch A Long life prayer for His Eminence Aten Phuntsok Rinpoche
This long life prayer was composed with great admiration by Shakya Bhikshu Tenpa Rabgye having found that the great illuminator of dharma His Eminence Aten Phuntsok Rinpoche very inspiring by embodying the qualities of an title bearing eminent master unlike other ordinary tulkus
Om Svasti! Glorious Vajradhara, the master of hundred races. Great translators, the disseminator of Mantrayana Teachings. Great kind gurus, the very reservoir of supreme knowledge. May the root and lineage gurus shower flowers of blessings. Blessed Amitayus who actualised deathless holy body.
Ushnisha Vijayi the wish granting wheel and Union of bliss and emptiness chakrasamvara etc host of long life deities shower great blessings. At the troubling times of heavy impurities when the youthful teachings of Buddha is being robbed by demonic forces. Courageously and without flinching you shoulder responsibilty, overcome adversaries and lift up the precious teachings.
For your long life I make this supplication prayer. Your holy body is adorned with clean robes of dharma. With your holy speech you emanate ocean like pitakas’ dharma sound. Your holy mind is possessed of milky ripple of loving kindness.
Abbot and Emanated Holy Being bearing vajra I make this prayer for your long life. Learning institution that has complete control over noble deeds of teaching dharma, debating and composition of it. Accomplished in realisation with stainless views and conduct. You who beautify the northern snowy land.
The great upholder of holy teaching may your life span is further solidified. While retaining wholeheartedly at your heart bindu the precious stainless distant tradition of Marpa the great master you who view with pure perspectives to all other traditions.
Great teacher’s lifespan be further stabilised. Unborn yet essence of all letters is the syllable A. Mahamudra, unceasing unionof bliss and emptiness. The sublime sign of teaching announted to the throne of four classes of Buddhism.
For the long life of great guru I supplicate. Through dudsolma Hevajra’s protector you who defeat the four continents via noble deeds of karmic wheel of explanation and meditation.
May your lotus feet remain solid and firm like Vajra nature. By the emptiness of the innate self nature and by the power of truth of my sincere prayers the noble teacher’s lifespan remain ever firm.
May the teachings of explanation and meditation disseminate to the ten directions.