
Barom Kagyu Aspiration Prayer

Gurus, Yadams, Viras, Dakinis and Dharmapalas:
I pray that you consider me and cause the fulfillment of my aspirations.
Through the virtues of samsara and nirvana
Accumulated by me and others in the three times,
And the virtue of this aspiration,
May I and all others achieve Buddhahood.
— H.E. Sonam Tenzin Rinpoche

Teachings & Practices

Mahamudra Ngondro

Ngondro is extremely important in dharma practice.

When we are learning dharma, the most importance is generating bodhicitta mind. All of you come here to learn Ngondro and the purpose should not be just for yourselves. We are here learning Ngondro to bring benefits to all the sentient beings. All sentient beings are like our mother. You can observe your mother in this life. How much she cares of us, how much she loves us, how much she concentrates on us. You should think this way: I wish to take the mother sentient beings to the enlightenment. That’s the reason I practise four ordinary foundations and four extraordinary foundations.

Why do we need to generate bodhicitta mind? Because generating bodhicitta mind and without generating bodhicitta mind when we practise Dharma bringsdifferent result. I can give you an example: with bodhicitta mind, it is like lighting a  candle in a dark room, the brightness can spread to the whole area. Without generating bodhicitta mind, it is like when you light up a candle covered by a cup, it only benefits a small area. Generating bodhicitta mind and without generating bodhicitta mind can make such difference. That’s the reason why generating bodhicitta mind is extremely important to whatever thing we do. When we do Dharma practice, when we do charity, whatever we do, if we can have bodhicitta mind, then everything is pure, everything is beneficial to ourselves and all sentient beings. So, with bodhicitta mind, you will start receiving the teaching of the four ordinary foundations.

Request for blessing from Guru

I supplicate you, Precious Guru!
I call to you with longing, Kind Dharma Lord!
Unworthy as I am, I’ve no hope but you!
Grant your blessing that your mind and mine be inseparably mixed!

Weekly Practice Medicine Buddha

Saturday 09:00AM - 10:00AM

Rinpoche always advises to make strong prayers to Medicine Buddha for anyone who is dying, sick or injured.

The Latest Teaching

Latest teaching transcripts from H.E. Sonam Tenzin Rinpoche

Benefit of Medicine Buddha Practice

Gampopa Four Dharma

  • Mahamudra Ngondro teaching

    I am very happy to see many students here to receive Ngondro teaching because Ngondro is extremely important in dharma practice.

  • 37 Practices of Bodhisattvas

    Rinpoche had a long teachings in 2 months about the 37 Practices of Bodhisattvas

  • Sukhavati teaching

    Rinpoche taught about four causes and two obscurations to Sukhavati

  • The twelve vows of The Medicine Buddha

    I vow that my body shall shine as beams of brilliant light on this infinite…

  • Description goes here

    Essential advice of Rinpoche

    We just need to keep our genuine devotion to the Three Jewels…

  • Meditation

    Ven.Sonam Tenzin Rinpoche

    San Jose

  • Lama chenno

    Namo Gurube. Prayers Calling the Lama from Afar are known to everyone. The key to invoking blessing is devotion motivated by repentance of old ways and renunciation of samsara. This devotion is not a mere repetition of empty words but it comes from the depth of our heart, from the marrow of our bones, and from the conviction that there is no Buddha apart from the Lama

Precious Teachings of H.E Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche's to the Barom Kagyu Disciples

If you don’t apply the doctrines of the Buddha then even there are hundreds thousands of Teachers come around so no use. So therefore number of meeting Masters is not important - the number of applying what you have learned into the life is the most crucial and important.
— H.E Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche

Precious Teachings of H.E Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche's to the Barom Kagyu Disciples

If you don’t apply the doctrines of the Buddha then even there are hundreds thousands of Teachers come around so no use. So therefore number of meeting Masters is not important - the number of applying what you have learned into the life is the most crucial and important.
— H.E Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche

Prayer Requests

Request for Blessing and Prayer at sacred Buddhist Centers of the 900-year-old Barom Kagyu lineage in California, Sydney, Vietnam, Malaysia and Nunnery in Kham (Tibet)

Blessing for Long Life with Good Health

H.E. Sonam Tenzin Rinpoche and Lama will perform blessings of people to promote their long life and excellent health

Prayer for the Recently Deceased

In Tibetan Buddhism, death is an extremely important event. For 49 days after the departing of a person, the monks will pray daily for the deceased to experience a smooth journey through the Bardo and to achieve a rebirth in the high realms. The Phowa prayers are extremely powerful as they purify the deceased of their negative Karma. Prayers are dedicated to Dorje Sempa Buddha, Medicine Buddha and to Amitabha Buddha.


Visit Us

50B Woods Road, Sefton, NSW, 2162, Australia


(612) 9786 5513